lunes, 22 de noviembre de 2010

Last week of classes

Dear all,

we are comming to the end of the term and I would like to thank you all for being so nice and sharing your "pieces of life" with me, in your paragraphs. This term that I've met you has been very interesting and we're going to continue our work next year, with your blogs, for instance. Now I am going to give you the last instructions for the assigments that are pending:

1- Weekly readings: We had the evaluation of "How the Paper Fish Learned to Swim" with parallel A, and we're having it with B this Wednesday. On Friday we will have the weekly reading evaluation "Martin Luther King." It's in Cigeno copy centre and in this link: "Martin Luther King-.pdf" (right click "save as...")

2- Paragraph about a hero: Parallel A needs to have the 1st draft ready this Friday, show it to me, wait for feedback and bring it ready next week (on the day of the exam). Parallel B, bring it ready on the day of the exam too. If you haven't shown it yet, Friday is your last chance.

3- Descriptive paragraph: Develop a 100-word paragraph about the topic "My favourite Month." Bring the first draft this Friday, so I give you feedback and you can write the final version of it.

I am giving you the contents of the exam this Friday 26th; the exam is on Friday 3rd of December.

Best Regards and Good luck to everybody,

Juan C. A.

PS: We have a make up class pending. As talked with parallel A, I'll come to a sort of feedback session, to which you'll come to pick up you assignments along with some feedback. I'll give details about day and time on Friday.

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